List of Supported Objectives


Please see our list of Support Objectives below: 

  • Unaided Awareness:  When thinking of [category], which brands come to mind?

  • Aided Awareness:  Which of the following [category] brands are you aware of? Please select all that apply.

  • Ad Recall:  Which of the following [category] brands have you seen advertised [where ad is served] recently? Please select all that apply.

  • Brand Preference:  Which of the following [category] brands do you most prefer?

  • Brand Consideration:  When shopping for [category], which of the following brands would you consider? Please select all that apply.

  • Brand Purchase Intent:  The next time you are shopping for [category], which of the following brands are you most likely to [verb]?

    • Note: verb is based on the brand - e.g. use, purchase, visit, purchase from, attend, apply for, etc. 

  • Brand Familiarity:  How familiar are you with [brand]?

  • Message Association*:  Which brand, if any, uses the following message in their advertising? Ò[message]Ó?

  • Brand Favorability:  Please indicate your impression of [brand]:

  • Brand Attributes*:  Which of the following statements do you associate with [brand]?

  • Aided Product Awareness^:  Which of the following [brand] products are you aware of? Please select all that apply.

  • Product Consideration^:  When shopping for [category], which of the following products would you consider? Please select all that apply.

  • Product Purchase Intent^:  The next time you are shopping for [category], which of the following products are you most likely to purchase?

    • Note: verb is based on the brand - e.g. use, purchase, visit, purchase from, attend, apply for, etc. 

* Requires additional inputs
^ Requires additional inputs at the product level