List of Supported Targets


Targeting - Most Common

  • Past Usage:  Which of the following [category] brands, if any, did you [verb] more than [X] months ago? Please select all that apply.

  • Category Familiarity:  How familiar are you with [category]?

  • Purchase Frequency:  On average, how often do you purchase [category]?

  • Past Purchases in Category:  Which of the following [category] products, if any, did you purchase more than [X] months ago? Please select all that apply.

  • Purchase Consideration Factors:  When considering [category] to purchase, which factors are important to you? Select all that apply.

  • Purchase Role:  Which statement best describes your [category] purchasing role?

  • Purchase Location:  Where do you most often shop for [category]?

  • Parental Status - Children Ages:  If you are a parent, how old are your children? Please select all that apply.

  • Ethnicity/Race:  Which of the following describes your ethnicity/race? Please select all that apply.

  • Education Level:  What is the highest level of education you have attained?

  • Household Size:  How many people, including yourself, live in your household?

  • Household Income:  What was your total household income before taxes for the last year?

  • Employment Status:  Which of the following best describes your employment status?

  • Employment Industry:  In what industry do you work? 

  • Employment Job Title:  Which of the following most closely matches your job title?

  • Topics Consumed Online:  Which of the following topics do you regularly browse online? Please select all that apply.

  • Television Recency:  When was the last time you viewed any shows, movies, sports or other video content via the following devices?

  • Time Online:  Roughly, how often do you do each of the following activities on a desktop/mobile device?

Targeting - Extended

Behavioral - Purchasing and Consumption Behaviors

  • In-market Status:  When do you plan on [verb] [category]?

  • Consumption Frequency:  On average, how often do you [verb] a [category] brand?

  • Future Purchase Budget:  The next time youÕre looking to purchase a [category], what is the maximum price range you will be looking in?

  • Average Purchase Budget:  On average, how much do you spend on [category] [time period]?

  • Decision Making Role:  Which statement best describes your decision making role for your household's [category]?

  • Number of Lines on Wireless Plan:  How many lines, including your own, are part of your wireless plan?

Behavioral - General

  • Car Ownership:  How many vehicles (cars, SUVs, etc.), including your own, does your household lease or own?

  • Tech Enthusiast:  Which of the following statements do you agree with? Select all that apply.

  • Cooking Enthusiast:  Which of the following statements do you agree with? Please select all that apply.

  • Financial Goals:  Which of the following financial goals are you currently working towards?

  • Activity Frequency:  How many days per week do you typically [activity]?

  • Recreational Activities:  Which of the following outdoor activities have you participated in within the past 6 months? Select all that apply.

  • Exercise Activities:  Which of the following activities have you participated in when exercising within the past 6 months? Select all that apply.

  • Recent Life Events:  Which of the following have you done within the past year? Please select all that apply.

  • Home Ownership:  Which of the following best describes your primary residential status?

  • New Homeowners:  When did you purchase your current home?

  • Coronavirus Concern:  How concerned are you about the coronavirus/COVID-19?

Demographic - General

  • Expectant Parent:  Which of the following best describes your parental status? Please select all that apply.

  • Expectant Parent Time Frame:

    • Note: Requires Expectant Parent

  • Parental Status, HH Children:  If you are a parent, how many children currently live in your household?

  • Decision Making Role:

    • Note: Requires Parental Status Ð Children Ages or HH Children

  • Relationship Status:  Which of the following best describes your relationship status?

  • Primary Language:  What is the primary language you speak at home?

  • Language Spoken at Home:  What languages do you speak frequently? Please select all that apply.

  • Voting Behaviour:  Which of the following best describes your voting behavior in elections (such as local, state, municipal, or national elections)?

  • Political Party:  In politics today, do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, or other party member?

  • Specialized Diets:  Which of the following diets do you typically follow?

  • Company Size:  Including yourself, about how many people work at your company across all its locations?

  • Streaming Genres:  When streaming shows, which of the following genres do you typically watch? Please select all that apply.

Possible Additions

  • Single Medical Condition: Do you or anyone in your family experience [condition]? Please select all that apply.

  • Multiple Medical Conditions: Do you or anyone in your family experience any of the following conditions? Please select all that apply.

*  Requires additional inputs