Tactic Mapping FAQ


Please see this article before proceeding: How to Complete Tactic Mapping

Setup & Updates

Who receives tactic mapping email notifications? 

Those designated as "Campaign Setup & Management Contacts" on your Campaign Creation form will receive Tactic Mapping email notifications. 

To avoid delays: Please ensure notification settings are configured correctly, and maintained, throughout the campaign's lifecycle to ensure the correct team members receive the correct notifications throughout your measurement study.

You can read more about how to configure your notification settings here: Creating and Editing a Campaign

How do I access my tactic mapping template?

The Upwave platform always links to the latest version of your tactic mapping sheet from the Tactic Mapping page for the campaign.

How often does my tactic mapping template update?

Tagged media platforms use automated templates.

IDs and impression counts update daily upon syncing impressions measured by the Upwave tag.

Placement-level and creative-level names update when a properly configured ad server report for the tag is successfully received and processed.

An automated template is automatically generated when you activate & download a tag on the Tag Management page.

See Tactic Mapping FAQ: On-Demand Tactic Mapping for Tagged Media Platforms for more information.

Platforms with server-to-server integrations do not use automated templates.

Upwave will email you at a regular cadence when your Tactic Mapping document is updated and ready for you to populate with cuts and cut categories. You can click the Get Help button in the Upwave platform to contact support if template updates are urgently required.

See Tactic Mapping FAQ: On-Demand Tactic Mapping for S2S Integrations for more information.


How do I apply a temporary filter to help me map my cuts?

In the tactic mapping sheet:

  • Select row 2

  • Click in the top menu: Data > Create filter view

You can then click the X in the green Temporary filter bar and choose whether to save the view.

To find saved filter views, click in the top menu: Data > Change view, then select the desired view from the list.

Can I map my tactics without placement-level or creative-level Names?

Yes. If you input cut values for IDs without names, those mappings will still be applied.

What’s the maximum length of a category or cut name?

Tactic category and cut names can be a maximum length of 100 characters, including spaces.

How do I apply my cut updates?

You can enter category and cut mappings into the document at any time.

When you have entered your desired mappings on all of your tactic mapping documents for the campaign:

  1. Navigate to the campaign Tactic Mapping page

  2. Click the mistake button

  3. Click the “Confirm” button to apply your cut updates. 

Can I apply my mappings for only one media platform/sheet and not all media platforms/sheets for the campaign?

No. Your dashboard may reflect partial results if you request updates before mappings are complete on all available tactic mapping spreadsheets associated with your campaign.

Please ensure all available tactic mapping spreadsheets are completed before requesting.

My campaign is completed. How do I apply my mappings?

You can follow the same process to apply mappings for both Completed and Live campaigns.

I made a mistake on my Tactic Mapping document. Can I change it? 

Once mappings have been applied, any changes need to be processed by our Engineering Team, which can cause notable delays in displaying accurate results in your dashboard. 

Please find Best Practices for populating your mapping document in our article, How to Complete Tactic Mapping, and ensure your inputs are correct in order to avoid delays. 

If you've determined that you still need to change mappings, simply make those changes in your tactic mapping document. Then, use the Apply Mapping Updates for All” button as you would normally. Please allow up to 5 business days for processing when existing cuts are changed.


When will the Upwave platform reflect my cut updates?

Your tactic mapping changes will typically be visible in your campaign dashboard within 3 business days after submission. Submitting multiple requests could cause delays in your results.

I mapped cuts in the Tactic Mapping document. Why are they grayed out in my dashboard? 

If a cut is grayed out in your dashboard, it means that the cut was successfully mapped, but does not have enough respondent sample. This could be the result of 2 reasons: 

  1. The IDs associated with that cut do not have enough impression volume. Thus, are not able to achieve a reasonable volume of respondents to produce a read. Please review the expected impression volumes for that audience to determine if that's the case. 

  2. There are IDs associated with that audience that have not been mapped. This could be the result of 2 reasons: 

    1. The IDs associated with that audience were provided in your Tactic Mapping document, but were not mapped by your team prior to applying mapping updates.

    2. You have rotated in new units that have not been added to the Tactic Mapping document yet. 

If you have questions about why a cut is grayed out in your dashboard, or how to resolve the above, please submit a request to our Support Team by clicking the "Get Help" button from within the platform, and choosing the "Cuts & Tactic Mapping" category. This will ensure your request is quickly routed to the correct party. 

I am measuring Linear TV ("LTV"). How will this appear in my dashboard? 

To start, please see our article, How to Measure Linear TV (LTV), to ensure you are measuring Linear TV ("LTV") successfully. 

You will not receive a Tactic Mapping document for Linear TV. Instead, tactic mapping will happen automatically after Linear TV has been setup. Please see the article above, "Cuts and Insights" section, which walks through the full mapping process. 

I am measuring Addressable TV ("ATV"). How will this appear in my dashboard? 

To start, please see our article, How to Measure Addressable TV (ATV), to ensure you are measuring Addressable TV ("ATV") successfully. 

You will not receive a Tactic Mapping document for Addressable TV. Instead, tactic mapping will happen  automatically after Addressable TV has been setup. Please see the article above, "Cuts and Insights" section, which walks through the full mapping process.